One of the pleasures of becoming a councilmember has been meeting people of all types from all parts of Plantation. And that includes knowing more about the GFWC Plantation Woman’s Club.
In the past year, I’ve attended their officer installation lunch, presented my views at one of their forums and last month enjoyed a nice get-to-know you lunch. For those who don’t know, the club, established in 1949, finds all kinds of charitable projects to take on that benefit our city.
And that includes helping high school seniors. The GFWC Plantation Woman’s Club has scholarship awards of up to $3,000 — but the March 22 application deadline is fast approaching.
Applicants must be a Plantation resident and the award is sent directly to the school’s financial aid department.
The award is based on need, grades (3.5 GPA or higher) and activities. The club may also consider approximate household income and family situations. A completed college application and high school transcript must be submitted for consideration. There’s also an essay required.
Go to and navigate to the “What’s New” section.
Meanwhile, the club is gearing up for another major endeavor: The Garden Fest Plant Extravaganza is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 16 and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 17 at Volunteer Park.
Woman’s Club members are pictured here after being honored by the Plantation Fire Department last summer as “business of the year.” Club funds paid for fitness equipment, namely a Firesled and a Punisher.
Quick update: I also want to include the Plantation Junior Woman’s Club scholarship program. (I’ve enjoyed getting to know them, too, most notably via Art in the Park.) The club, established in 1960, has its forms available via
Update No. 2: And the Plantation Historical Society offers The Betty Cobb Memorial Scholarship Award of $1,000. Each student should have volunteered a minimum of 40 hours at the Plantation Historical Society and have an interest in preserving and actively participating in shaping the future. Application is on the PHS website.
Action with plastic
The Wall Street Journal on Saturday published a fascinating analysis about recycling. The article basically says that every municipality in the United States is in a recycling crisis, spurred by China’s recent change in policy regarding accepting plastic from other nations.
Here’s the link, but it requires a subscription.
They spell out some of the ways technology can help, but what really struck me was the article’s conclusion:
The problem is so vast that for the foreseeable future, no amount of robots, smart dumpsters or Ubers for trash can solve it. …
If the U.S. or any other developed economy is going to find a China-size use for all the recyclables it would otherwise burn or bury, it’s going to take more than just innovation, commitments by large business or major policy changes – it’s going to take all of the above.
That really has set me to thinking, and I’ll be exploring ways to lead residents into reducing plastic consumption. Any ideas: Email
This week
The lights will be burning into the night a lot this week at city hall. At 7 p.m. Monday is the first meeting of the revamped Educational Advisory Board. At 7 p.m. Tuesday, the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board meets. We also have a city council meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at City Hall. At first glance, I don’t see anything major on the agenda. But you never know…
The action goes elsewhere later this week: From 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Friday at the Helen B. Hoffman Library is a visit by Marty Kiar’s Property Appraiser office. Representatives will be on hand to help with Homestead, senior and other property tax exemption applications and answer questions on property taxes.
For fun is movie night Friday at The Fountains, 801 S. University Drive. Business Expo booths open at about 4:30 p.m., and around 6:30 p.m., the Chamber of Commerce hosts a showing of “Ralph Breaks the Internet” on a large inflatable screen. Also: free popcorn, dance performances by John Wai Kids Martial Arts’ Professional Chinese Lion & Dragon Team, Encore Dance Theatre and Pure Dynamics Dance Studio.
And at 9 a.m. Saturday is “Yoga in the Park,” which is offered the first two Saturdays of non-summer months at Liberty Tree Park.
And even if you don’t care about a single thing above, this one item will affect your life: Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, March 10. So move your clocks forward Saturday.
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