Candidates file, but June is when it really happens
I am delighted to tell you I’m running for mayor of Plantation! I’ll provide leadership, communication and level-headed decisions. This is a word-of-mouth election. If you think I’m the best candidate, tell your friends. Invite me to come visit them at a party, etc. For more info or to get a yard sign eventually, e-mail: Let’s goooo!
This is costly and for the first time I’m directly asking everybody to contribute. If you knew me in high school, send me $100 (or $200). Same if you knew me in college, or at the newspaper, or just recently. Many people have not contributed to a campaign before, but if you ever are going to, shouldn’t this be the one? Those $100-$200 contributions pay for mailers, yard signs and materials for me to take door-to-door. Go to and click on CONTRIBUTE or mail a check to Nick Sortal for Mayor, 1100 NW 95th Ave., Plantation, FL 33322.
Filing is a pretty benign act, only an announcement of intentions. During what is known as the qualifying period (June 13-17 this year), a mayoral or council candidate must pay a filing fee ($1,722.43 in my case) and submit more paperwork. City elections used to be in the spring, which meant a customary January filing and a sprint to the finish. Plantation’s changes to November in 2016 make this a marathon.
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